Classes are open for enrollment throughout the year and are all offered online. More than 35 part-time and professional partnership-equivalent programs, providing flexibility for students with busy schedules. To serve part-time students, Seneca offers degrees, certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, graduate certificates and a wide selection of corporate training. The part-time programs listed below are post-secondary programs that can be completed part-time.
Certificates for professionals can be found in the Continuing Professional Learning section. Conestoga Online offers a variety of part-time programs available completely online. Designed to fit your lifestyle, part-time programs allow you to continue your education and advance your career at your own pace with the flexibility and convenience of studying anytime, anywhere. Find a part-time program that works for you.
Courses are academic classes taught by qualified instructors that aim to improve participants' knowledge about a certain area or training in a particular discipline. Study in class, online, or in a mixed format and look for a course-by-course credential or choose general interest courses from time to time. Humber part-time courses are Ministerial-approved courses that can be completed individually and can be applied for a credential.